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Taylor Williams Exhibit


In September, our Vault Gallery will feature Taylor Williams’ latest collection of oil paintings.


Hideaway highlights the serene moments of coastal North Carolina and beyond. Taylor's use of soothing, low contrast colors accentuates feelings of tranquility. Her work goes beyond merely capturing the visual beauty of the coast, offering glimpses into the sense of sanctuary that these landscapes provide. It's not just about what you see, but about how you feel—a reminder that amidst the chaos of the world, there are places of quiet refuge waiting to be discovered.


Among the show will be some of the largest oil paintings that Taylor has ever completed. Oil paint, with its depth and versatility, enables her to explore the nuances of light and shadow, the play of reflections on the water's surface, and the harmony between land, sea, and sky. It is a medium that allows Taylor to convey the sense of wonder, tranquility, and awe that she experiences on a daily basis living by the ocean.

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Hideaway 2024 Taylor Williams 20 x 24 inches.jpeg

Exhibition Dates + Artist Statement

Hideaway will be on display in the Vault Gallery September 6-28, 2024.

There will be an opening reception on Friday, September 6 from 6pm to 8pm, where visitors can meet Taylor and view her work.


The opening reception is during downtown Manteo's First Friday festivities and is free and open to the public. 


"I love spending time in nature in search of new places and moments in time that inspire me, and it is an essential part of my creative process. My oil paintings are a vessel through which I can share these experiences. I aim to transport viewers to the scenes I paint, and in doing so, allow them a moment of reflection and appreciation for the beauty of nature.


I’m heavily influenced by the scenery I see on my frequent trips to the beach and around my small beach town. It gives me a feeling of peace and I aim to bring that feeling out in my paintings. In a world filled with distractions, I hope my art serves as a portal to moments of reflection and appreciation for the boundless beauty that surrounds us. Through my oil paintings, I offer a momentary escape, an opportunity to pause and reconnect with the wonders of nature. I will continue my search for moments that need sharing and I will work to bring those to the viewer on a grander scale.​"


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