November 3-11 will be one of the busiest weeks in the shoulder season as people from all over the country travel to the beach for the 5th Annual Outer Banks Veterans Week and the 12th Annual Outer Banks Marathon.
On Friday, November 10 Outer Banks Sporting Events and Dare County Arts Council will host a free concert at Pamlico Jacks in Nags Head for guests attending these events, their friends and families, and the Outer Banks community.
“Outer Banks Sporting Events is elated to partner with Dare County Arts Council to create lasting change in our global community through veterans programs and healthy lifestyles” said Outer Banks Sporting Events Executive Director Ray Robinson.
North Carolina eclectic, acoustic bluegrass band Sassagrass will headline the concert, which will be held at Pamlico Jacks at 9pm.
“We are thrilled to be performing at the kick-off event for the Outer Banks Marathon,” said Sassagrass upright bass player Greg Howell. “We look forward to sharing our style of high-energy, NC bluegrass with the dedicated athletes from across the country and the world. Knowing the funds will go to support our Veterans makes it that much sweeter.”
The concert will support local Veteran art programs and organizations with guests being able to make donations to the local Outer Banks VFW Post 10950 at the event.
Sassagrass live at Pamlico Jacks is one of the marquee events during Outer Banks Veterans Week. A complete directory of ceremonies and special events for Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers plus all public Outer Banks Marathon events can be found at DareArts.org/veterans and in a special insert in The Outer Banks Sentinel.
Community groups and businesses planning events or promotions during Outer Banks Veterans Week are encouraged to contact Dare County Arts Council Executive Director Chris Sawin at 252 473 5558 or DareArtsInfo@gmail.com so the event can be included in these directories.
For the fifth consecutive year, Dare County Arts Council, Dare County Veterans Advisory Council and the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau have partnered to promote Outer Banks Veterans Week. Thank you to Midgett Insurance Agency, the Town of Manteo and Bearded Face Productions for sponsoring the event.
Presented by TowneBank, Outer Banks Marathon events will take place November 10-12.
Outer Banks Sporting Events is a 501c3 non-profit organization. OBSE donates 100% of net proceeds to the Dare Education Foundation, working to maximize student potential by providing resources to students and teachers in Dare County schools and the Outer Banks Relief Foundation, providing financial assistance to families in crisis. OBSE is proud to help improve the quality of life for Dare County citizens through support of these two foundations. In addition OBSE brings positive economic impact throughout Dare County by increasing tourism during the shoulder seasons thereby helping stimulate local business including hotel, motel, vacation rental homes, restaurants and shopping. For more information about the Outer Banks Marathon, please call 252 255 6273 or visit OuterBanksSportingEvents.com.
Dare County Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to encouraging the arts in Dare County through advocacy, enrichment and opportunity. For more information about the Outer Banks Veterans Week, please call 252 473 5558 or visit DareArts.org/veterans.