300 Queen Elizabeth Street
Manteo, North Carolina
Throughout the year, Dare Arts offers a variety of workshops, classes and learning opportunities taught by both local and national artists. Many of these will offer Teacher Certification Renewal Credits. All workshops require preregistration and prepayment, which you may do online.

Each show opens on the First Friday of the month, with a reception from 6pm – 8pm, unless otherwise noted. Our monthly gallery exhibits feature talented local and regional artists of a variety of mediums.
Dare Arts currently shows the work of over 100 juried artists in our gallery. We host artists of a variety if disciplines including paintings, fiber, ceramics, photography, jewelry, metalwork, woodwork, and more.

The gallery will review new artists in March & November of each year. For specific information on the jury process, guidelines for displaying artwork once accepted into the gallery, examples of artist’s resumes, and gallery forms, please see Forms and Guidelines.